We have almost as many festivals as people to celebrate them. Almost.

In a land of 1.3 billion people, we don’t really need an excuse to celebrate. But if we do run out of birthdays or anniversaries or jobs to fetes, there’s always a festival that’s lurking just around the corner, laden with song, dance, and food. And like everything else in this country, we don’t celebrate alone, either. So come, join us as we curate trips to some of India’s most traditional yet inclusive festivals. Just remember to bring an open heart and an empty stomach.

Some of our signature festival curations include:

  • Braj Holi, Vrindavan
  • Hemis Festival, Ladakh,
  • Hola Mohalla, Punjab,
  • Hornbill Festival, Nagaland
  • Ganpati, Mumbai

Experiences across geographies & communities

In-depth experiences with locals

Safe yet immersive participations

Scalable from 1 to many travellers

We wanted to thank you for all the hard work that you have done around our trip. It was a wonderful experience and I’m amazed by your attention to detail and continued follow up. Thank you again. We really appreciate it.
Ravi Akella, Kashmir & Ladakh, July 2022

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